2016年12月4日 星期日

Internet Security and Future Trend

Internet security  is a big and important issue as people are more and more rely on mobile devices for business and payment. 

In the past, payment only use cash. But now, electronic payments replaced the cash. Credit cards, checks, octopus cards and mobile payment are commonly used. 

But this will increase the risk of losing personal information if the websites are not secured enough. 
-Unauthorized access
-insider abuse (auto login)
-spam (junk mail)

Not just only for the mobile devices will face the security problems, companies are easily to lose the customers' information due to those information are valuable in the black market (underground economy). 

To prevent losing private information from using online service, people need to be very careful and pay attention to those websites. Moreover, installing firewalls and anti-spyware software can reduce the stolen of personal data for individuals and even companies. 

In the future, technology will be wildly use in business which can have more accuracy information easily to keep record. Biometric market engine can improve the security by recognize the people with their cornea or fingerprint to access the confidential documents. Robots and mobile payment such as PayPal, NFC system, etc, will be commonly use which can save time and no limitations in time and location.